Saving Costs After the Shutdown
As an account manager or asset manager, you're under pressure to lower the businesses' bottom line.
Well, I have great news for you.
Fire servicing is normally overlooked in pricing, the fire guys only show up every six months to test a few of your company's assets like fire extinguishers, exit and emergency lights, electrical test and tag/ RCDS.
However, a large saving can be made in not only dropping site fees but also the repairs.
Fire companies normally make their money on repairs and selling products. The trick is that if you're a genuine provider in the fire safety industry you don't supply lights that make it, just out of a 12-month warranty. No, the sign of a great provider is one that offers five-year warranties while others offer bitumen warranties (as soon as their van hits the road, the warranty is gone). Don't get me wrong, if the client only wants the basic parts then I'm happy to provide my recommendations.
FCF is a national provider that utilizes a franchise network (yes, franchising in the retail industry has had some ordinary media, lately). Personally, when expanding the business I prefer local owner/ operators over branch managers.
For over five years now we have been providing national clients with 20 stores to 450+ stores. The great part is our support team is one point of contact.
With the FCF group, we have monthly training programs, asset management software, documentations/ safety software. Buying power is the biggest part of our national clients as we can set a price and stay fixed with that price. As our network grows, it eliminated price rises from our suppliers. I think this is great as it's a win/ win for FCF and our clients.
Why not be the hero?
· Why are we using an international fire extinguisher company?
· Why use a local provider who is sub-contracting out all the work?
· What's the reason for replacing this exit light two years after we replaced it when other providers offer five-year warranties for a similar price.
· What the reason we are paying more when fire companies test to the same standards?
Nothing is better than walking into a room of your fellow colleges and finding a cost-saving.
Gain a quote for your regional, state or national business today.
Be the hero, save the business money and gain better products and services at the same time.
See a comparison quote for your fire services online or we come to you at -
Go Team FCF Fire & Electrical
Useful links for your business;
Fire Training Online/ VR or Class Room visit-
Evacuation Diagrams from $25 visit-
Find a local owner-operator near you- Mackay, Rockhampton, Hervey Bay, Sunshine Coast, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Toowoomba, Sydney, Wollongong, Melbourne, Adelaide, Tasmania plus more check out
Jacob Foster
Electrical Contractor
Fire Certifier
Diploma in Franchising
Jacob Foster has over 15 years' experience as a Fire Professional and even longer as an electrician. Starting FCF in 2008 at the beginning of the GFC Jacob has seen tough times for clients and focused on delivering affordable fire protection services to meet state legislation. Going to help families start their own business and continue to train all fire technicians across various levels to meet the FCF Standard. With International awards and local recognition FCF is an Industry Leader, find out more at