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Fire Warden Training For Australia

Posted on 30 April 2019
Fire Warden Training For Australia

Fire warden training is a vital part of ensuring your organisation is prepared in case of an emergency. It is essential because the warden learns how to respond in an emergency. They also learn how to implement or improve existing emergency procedures and how to lead evacuation and fire drills safely.

What Is Fire Warden Training?

This type of training is a specific course designed to teach an individual how to act and respond per their duties as a fire warden. Some of the duties include assisting in creating or enhancing current evacuation procedures in the workplace, preventing fire emergencies by monitoring risk factors, raising awareness of any potential fire hazards in the workplace, teaching staff members appropriate behaviour during an emergency and executing fire and other emergency drills. A fire warden is also responsible for teaching staff members about various emergency situations, ensuring all workers are accounted for during an emergency event and assisting any staff members during an evacuation if necessary.
Businesses of all types can benefit from Fire Warden Training for the safety of all.


fire warden training australia

What Is Covered In Fire Warden Training?

Training consists of learning about any regulatory or legislative requirements to be a fire warden and what the Australian Standard 3745-2010 Requirements entail. A fire warden will also learn how to raise an alarm in the event of an emergency, how to investigate any alarms or fires, how to properly execute an evacuation to ensure maximum safety of all business personnel as well as bomb threat procedures. Additional training includes how to be correctly identified as a fire warden, building fire safety, the various types of evacuations that may be necessary depending on the emergency, learning the role and responsibilities of a fire warden, learning various alarm and communication systems, how to develop or improve existing evacuation plans, how to coordinate with other emergency personnel during an unfortunate event and post-emergency procedures.

Are There Any Requirements For Fire Warden Training?

At the current time, there is no official legislation for fire warden training, but it is advisable that all fire wardens are thoroughly trained and take a refresher course every twelve months. Taking a refresher course is especially important as it allows the fire warden to remain up-to-date and current with any changes or modifications made to the Australian Standards regulations.

Fire Warden Training can include the correct use of Fire Safety Items

There is also no official legislation requiring a fire warden in the workplace. However, Australian Standard 3745-2010 does require that a workplace or facility appoints an emergency organisation responsible for acting in the case of an emergency. An emergency organisation would include the warden, or a group of wardens, appointed the tasks to fulfil the duties of a fire warden. While not legally binding, AS 3745-2010 is considered the benchmark throughout industries for the proper requirements of planning for emergencies in facilities.

An organisation should appoint an appropriate number of wardens depending on how big the facility is and how high of a risk there is for an emergency to occur. The higher the risk, the more wardens should be appointed.

Fire warden training is essential for ensuring the safety and health of all staff members and meets the conditions to be in compliance with the Australian Standard 3745-2010 Requirements.

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